Left Alliance for National Democracy and Socialism

Bilateral Relations



Bilateral Relations

LANDS has maintained friendly relations with other organisations that have similar values or goals.

Local Relations

Marcus Garvey People’s Political Party (MGPPP)

  • The MGPPP is a political organisation based on the principles of Garveyism, including Pan-Africanism and Black Nationalism.

  • We have maintained friendly relations with them since 2022. We have attended and made presentations in some of their meetings, joined them on field trips, discussed coordination of policies, and discussed collaboration on projects. We have been able to successfully call on the MGPPP to join us in mobilisations, including demonstration of solidarity with Cuba in 2022 and anti-corruption protests in 2023.

Jamaica Peace Council (JPC)

  • The Jamaica Peace Council is the local affiliate of the broader Caribbean Peace Council, which is itself a part of the World Peace Council. Their stated aim is to see universal nuclear disarmament and the peaceful coexistence of countries.

    Within the Caribbean broadly, their primary interest is the enforcement of the concept of the Zone of Peace in the Caribbean.

    In Jamaica in particular, they are interested in the government having an independent and anti-imperialist foreign policy.

  • We have maintained a relationship with the JPC since 2017, with a few members of LANDS being routinely invited to participate in JPC meetings in equal status to its members.

Jamaica-Cuba Friendship Association (JACFA)

  • The Jamaica-Cuba Friendship Association works to strengthen links between the people of Cuba and Jamaica. Many of the members are Jamaicans who have studied in Cuba or attended local schools built by Cubans.

  • LANDS has had a very strong relationship with JACFA since 2017. We have exchanged material and information with each other over time.

    JACFA has relied on LANDS to provide logistical support for its mobilisations in 2021 and 2022, where we accounted for the majority of the persons involved in its mobilisations.