Left Alliance for National Democracy and Socialism





Campaigns are appeals that depend on support from other groups or the wider public in order for us to advance them. We have supported and participated in multiple campaigns over time.

March for Palestine

  • The International Peoples Assembly declared November 4 as the International Day of Solidarity with Palestine. Member organisations planned mobilisations in their respective countries all over the world.

    Click here to see more.

  • LANDS initiated and led the effort for a mobilisation in Jamaica. More than 5 organisations and multiple unaffiliated individuals committed to participate.

    This allowed Jamaican people and organisations, regardless of political alignment or lack thereof, to mobilise themselves to be a part of the hundreds of similar demonstrations taking place all over the world.

    Over 200 people showed up in total, together demanding that the government take the following actions:

    1. Disclosure of State Deals with Israel

    2. Official Condemnation of Israel’s Actions

    3. Breaking Ties with Israel

    4. Recognition of the State of Palestine

    Click here to see our full release on this effort.

  • People have been asking us when our next protest will be. We are in turn calling for people to organise themselves so that it would be easier for information to flow among different groups and for coordinated action to take place again.

    We can easily mobilise our own base because we are already organised. Other people who are not in LANDS need to get organised as well. It is much easier for organisations to manage relations among each other than it is for an organisation to manage relations with dozens of individuals. Whether you want to get involved in LANDS, get involved in another organisation, or just form an informal group with your own circle of friends, please get organised.

Let Cuba Live

  • The US government added Cuba to a list of “State Sponsors of Terrorism” which justifies increased sanctions against Cuba and makes it difficult for Cubans and non-Cubans do do business with each other.

    It is absurd to accuse the Cuban government of sponsoring terrorism, especially when it has been known for its selfless humanitarian efforts across the world.

    The aim of the campaign is to reach 1 million signatures for a petition, which calls for Cuba to be removed from the list of State Sponsors of Terrorism.

  • We are the main organisation in Jamaica that is promoting this campaign and asking persons to sign it. Much of our own base of members and supporters have already signed it, and we have called on other organisations to sign and promote it as well.

  • You can visit letcubalive.info to sign the petition and to get materials that you can use to help you to spread the message so that others can sign as well.

Roll Back 200

  • Politicians had increased their salaries by over 200% in 2023, tripling their own income while belittling public sector workers for demanding fair pay.

    In response, activists all over the island were in an uproar. In particular, the Advocates Network launched the “Roll Back 200” demonstrations.

  • LANDS turned up to demonstrations by the Advocates Network, and helped to mobilise persons from other groups like the MGPPP and even some persons who were unaffiliated with any group or organisation.

    One day, LANDS was responsible for mobilising almost all the persons who showed up to one of the demonstrations.

    Since then, we have been active in engaging the constitutional reform process to demand more accountability for politicians.

  • This wave of protests has already ended, but the work does not stop there. The salary issue is connected to a much bigger problem of politicians being able to abuse their power in general.

    Our movement is concerned with the constitutional reform process. We have been engaging it to push for a political system with specific features to ensure greater accountability.

    Click here to see updates about constitutional reform in general.

    Click here to see the work that LANDS does in particular regarding constitutional reform.

    Click here to learn how to get involved in/with LANDS.

Book Drive for Women and Girls

  • To celebrate its first anniversary, Rebel Women Lit launched a book drive to get books to women in prison and teenage girls in a residential facility dedicated to teen mothers.

    For this effort, they chose to partner with LANDS, Bookophilia, and Kingston Book Festival.

  • With our relatively strong social media presence at the time, we pushed the campaign and helped it to reach 1000 USD in donations, separate from the donations of physical books themselves.

Libertad para Elena Flores

  • Elena Flores is a cocalera union leader from the Yungas in Bolivia. She was imprisoned by the short-lived Áñez regime.

    The Chiapas Support Committee spearheaded an international campaign for solidarity with Elena Flores, with a call for her and other political prisoners to be released and to have their charges dropped.

  • LANDS had sent someone to participate in a fact-finding mission in Bolivia in 2020, along with persons from the Chiapas Support Committee.

    Following this, LANDS promoted the campaign among its own base. Nearly 30 persons from Jamaica signed the public letter, including roughly 20 from LANDS.

    LANDS also educated people about the situation in Bolivia in general, drawing sympathy for the popular opposition to the Áñez regime.