Left Alliance for National Democracy and Socialism

Multilateral Relations



Multilateral Relations

LANDS has participated in coalitions and networks by sending our delegates to represent us among those from other movements and organisations.

International Peoples’ Assembly (IPA)

  • The International Peoples’ Assembly is a global network of people’s organisations, social movements, political parties, and labour unions.

    Delegates from all over the world exchange their experiences, build relationships, and work together to tackle common struggles at the regional and global scale.

    The International Peoples’ Assembly was a development of the “Dilemmas of Humanity” process and conference in 2015.

    Click here to see more.

  • LANDS first participated in the International Peoples’ Assembly in Caracas, Venezuela.

    The event was interrupted by the Cucuta incident, which prompted us to take to the streets alongside Venezuelan organisations to denounce foreign aggression against Venezuela.

    This session of the assembly was nonetheless productive, allowing us to build relations with Comrades and organisations in Africa and Asia.

Dilemmas of Humanity (DoH)

  • The Dilemmas of Humanity process involves bringing peoples’ organisations together to tackle the problems of our societies, with the aim to bring about revolutionary transformations. It is explicitly interested in building Socialism.

    The Dilemmas of Humanity conference in 2015 led to the creation of the International Peoples Assembly which was first convened in 2019.

    Click here to see more.

  • As a lead up to the 3rd global Dilemmas of Humanity conference in 2023, delegates from organisations and movements in Latin America and the Caribbean gathered to touch base with each other and develop consensus on some key themes. This step of the process was conducted by ALBA Movimientos.

    LANDS sent a delegation to caucus with other Caribbean delegates to strengthen the voices of the Caribbean in the region.

    During a set of thematic meetings, LANDS’ delegation participated in the one that focused on the construction of popular democracy.

    In the final plenary session of the event, our delegation made a presentation of 2 points:

    1. We need to come together in condemnation of the foreign military intervention in Haiti. In particular, we need to stand up against some of our own “progressive” governments, most notably the Brazilian government which has taken an unfortunate position on military intervention in Haiti and the coup in Peru.

    2. Jamaica is going through a process of constitutional reform and finally getting rid of the monarchy. While we celebrate this, the struggle continues for a popular democracy. While moving to a republic, the reactionary parties in Jamaica seem to be interested in preserving the same political system based on the British monarchy, which prevents us from directly electing our president and having proper accountability measures for other elected representatives.

    At the end of the series of meetings that took place, our delegation visited important sites like the statue of Salvador Allende outside La Moneda Palace and the tomb of Salvador Allende in the General Cemetery of Santiago. On the sidelines, leading up to this, we had opportunities to inform Chileans about the historic link between Chile and Jamaica, specifically how the same methods of destabilisation were used in both countries in the 1970s.

    Click here to see more.

  • The 3rd global Dilemmas of Humanity conference was hosted by NUMSA, the largest labour union in all of South Africa.

    Both the formal and informal discussions were very frank, as organisations openly engaged in constructive criticisism of themselves and each other.

    The main themes that dominated almost all discussion were imperialist violence and ecological crisis, both products of Capitalism. To tackle these, we talked about the necessity of organising the working-class masses and building popular Democracy.

    All organisations were preoccupied with the situation in Palestine, and the delegates to the conference made it clear that they stand in solidarity with Palestine against occupation, apartheid, and genocide.

    Our own delegation spent a lot of time building new ties, mostly with organisations based in Africa and Asia.

    Click here to see more.

Sao Paulo Forum (FSP)

  • The Sao Paulo Forum is a conference of left-wing organisations in Latin America and the Caribbean. It has many political parties, social movements, and labour unions.

  • LANDS was invited to attend the 24th session of the Sao Paulo Forum, hosted in Cuba in July 2018. Our invitation was recommended by delegates from Trinidad & Tobago, and backed up by delegates from Cuba itself. We sent 2 delegates.

    Springing from this event, we formed ties with Comrades from multiple countries in the region. On the side of the main event, we held meetings with the Youth Communist League in Cuba and MAS from Bolivia; it was as a result of these meetings that we were able to directly meet Evo Morales and Andronico Rodriguez.

  • LANDS was invited to send a delegation to the 25th session of the Sao Paulo Forum, hosted in Venezuela in July 2019. We sent 2 delegates.

    Following the main event, one of our delegates stayed in Venezuela for another 4 weeks to observe the conditions on the ground in Venezuela and to deepen ties with Venezuelan organisations.

ALBA Movimientos

  • ALBA Movements is a network of hundreds of organisations across Latin America and the Caribbean, focused on common goals including regional integration, Black and Indigenous Liberation, and the construction of Socialism.

  • ALBA Movimientos arranged accommodation for us for an event in Cuba in October 2019, and invited us to attend a series of special meetings in Cuba in November 2019.

    At these meetings, we explained the situation in Jamaica and the priorities of our movement in the face of specific challenges. In the backdrop of these meetings, there was a violent right-wing coup taking place in Bolivia.

  • ALBA Movimientos was the host of the regional meetings of the International Peoples Assembly in Santago de Chile, as a part of the Dilemmas of Humanity process.

    On the sidelines of these meetings, we were officially invited to join ALBA Movimientos. We are yet to formalise this arrangement.

Assembly of Caribbean Peoples (ACP)

  • The ACP is a conference of progressive organisations from all over the Caribbean. Most organisations are political parties, labour unions, or social movements. Organisations from all parts of the Caribbean are welcome, from as far West as Belize to as far East as Guyana and Suriname.

    The ACP firmly believes in the independence of all Caribbean territories, including the independence of Puerto Rico and the independence of French and Dutch overseas territories.

  • LANDS sent a delegation to the 7th session of the Assembly of Caribbean Peoples, hosted in the Dominican Republic in October 2017.

    This allowed us to form ties with organisations from all over the Caribbean, especially from Haiti, Puerto Rico, and Trinidad & Tobago, who we may not have met otherwise.

    These encounters helped us to have a proper understanding of the recent history and political situation in Haiti, especially concerning the constant political intervention and the foreign military occupations. It also brought us up to speed with the independence movements in the region, particularly in Puerto Rico and the remaining French colonies.

  • LANDS sent a delegation to the 8th session of the Assembly of Caribbean Peoples, hosted in Trinidad & Tobago in August 2019.

    We further strengthened our ties with Comrades from other Caribbean countries, especially those from Haiti and Trinidad & Tobago again.