Left Alliance for National Democracy and Socialism

Other Issues



Other Policy Issues

This section of the website shows policy work that does not fall into the other categories or does not have its own dedicated Policy Committee.

Sexual Harassment Bill

  • We made a written submission to parliament to outline our concerns and proposals regarding the Sexual Harassment Bill.

    Click here to view it.

  • Despite being rejected by the Minister of Justice and some other members of the ruling party, our proposals ended up being accepted as a part of the bill when it was finally passed.

    Our proposals and presentation led to the bill containing:

    • a definition of “client” in Section 2(1)

    • Section 5(1)(b)

    • Section 9(4) and Section 9(5)

    The adoption of our proposals allowed the bill to cover common types of sexual harassment that affect workers in the tourism and entertainment sectors especially.

Accountability Legislation

Integrity Commission Act

  • We made a submission to parliament on the Integrity Commission Act, which outlines the responsibilities, powers, and related procedures concerning the Integrity Commission.

    Click here to view our written submission.

Protected Disclosures Act

  • We made a submission to parliament on the Protected Disclosures Act, which is meant to protect whistleblowers.

    Click here to view our written submission.

Job Descriptions for MPs

  • In early May 2023, LANDS made written proposals to the government on constitutional reform and discussed these proposals with the Constitutional Reform Committee. protested against politicians tripling their salaries.

    Later in May 2023, we protested against politicians tripling their salaries. One of the demands of the protest was to see job descriptions for politicians, an overdue promise made by Andrew Holness on the campaign trail.

    In June 2023, the Office of the Prime Minister rushed to publish draft papers on job descriptions for Members of Parliament and Cabinet Ministers. Since we were already doing work on constitutional reform, we took interest in forming a position on these things.

    Towards the end of 2023, the parliament invited the public to make submissions in response to the OPM’s proposed job descriptions for MPs.

  • In December 2023, we made a submission on job descriptions for Members of Parliament.

    Click here to view our written submission.

  • Our work on job descriptions for MPs is related to our overall work on constitutional reform.

    • Click here to see more about our work on constitutional reform.

    • Click here to see news and information about constitutional reform in general.

This section of the website is still in development. It will be updated with more references to work that we have done on legislation and policy position papers, with links to our documents and features of related media content.