Left Alliance for National Democracy and Socialism


See readings recommended by LANDS. They are split into different lists, according to difficulty and areas of interests.



Here are lists of selected readings for persons who are new to specific aspects of Leftist ideology, existing Leftists who want to expand their knowledge base, or anyone who is interested in a particular topic.

Some of the "Focused Lists" have a lot of overlapping content, because of their overlapping scopes. You will find, however, that a piece may be annotated differently if it exists on multiple lists.

We do not necessarily agree with everything in the material that is listed, but we may agree with the main point, or find the material useful even if we disagree. LANDS is a multi-tendency movement, and thus welcomes varying Leftist perspectives. Our members and supporters are encouraged to develop their own understandings, and debate them at party meetings.

The lists are in perpetual development, so more readings will be added to each list in the future, and more lists will be created as well.

Future Lists:

  • Advanced Readings

  • Black Liberation

  • Caribbean Leftism

  • Dialectics

  • Feminism

  • International Political Economy

  • Religion and Socialism